Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ten Tips to Increase the Positive in Your Life

Moving your life in a healthy, happy direction does not need to be a drastic change of every single thing you do. As charming as it sounds to pull an Eat, Pray, Love and travel the world for a year coming out completely peaceful on the other end this is maybe just a little bit too big of a step for most of us. Thankfully, I fully believe that happiness and peace can be allowed into our lives anywhere, especially in the small day to day things we do. More than that, even though I fully advocate yoga and meditation, a lot of people might not be ready for or interested in that. So, here instead are just some little tips for the every day that I've found to be incredibly easy, yet powerfully effective, in helping to let some positive energy flow in.

1. Make Your Bed

You might read this and think, "What?! I'm done already. This girl is crazy." but, bare with me. We see this concept often, perhaps some are familiar with the bible quote, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" which, I have to admit, used to make me roll my eyes. Yoga also posits that cleanliness is important and part of a yogic life style. As a naturally messy person this was one of the harder yogic principles for me to integrate. Now that I have, though, I notice such a huge difference. I can really tell that the energy feels different in my room when it is clean and organized versus messy and cluttered. When it is clean I want to hang out in there, do yoga in there, I am inspired to be creative, and when I come home into my room I feel a sense of relief. On top of this, we also know that having a daily routine is very good for your body and mental health, so this adds to it. Every morning after I wake up and do yoga, I make my bed and make sure my room is clean and then head out to face the world. I have generated my first bit of positive energy for the day. Try it, maybe you won't find me so crazy after all.

2. Dedicate Your Day to Others 

One of my absolute favorite parts of the day is saying the Shanti Deva dedication prayer. It brings tears to my eyes to think that people all over the world are wishing for others well being and dedicating their lives to others. If dedicating your entire life to others seems a little much, you can start by just dedicating certain actions, or the good you do during the day. This includes things that do things for you and your happiness. For example if you go on a run, or learn something new, you're improving yourself which is in turn helping others. You can say something like the Shanti Deva dedication prayer or you can just think in your head, "I am doing this for the benefit of others." Either way, you are definitely bringing positive energy into your life.

3. Set a Watch/Phone Alarm


I think one of the biggest problems of our society today is how un-present we are. We are constantly thinking about the past or the future, constantly absorbed in anything else but what is going on right now. A great way to combat this is to set a phone or watch alarm that beeps at random intervals throughout the day. When the beep goes off you take 10-20 seconds to be present in whatever you're doing. Fully present, in the moment, thinking about only that thing and how your body feels doing it. It might seem silly but being present, in this author's opinion, is one of the biggest keys to lasting happiness.

4. Buy a Bamboo Plant 

Or, take care of something in general. My personal favorite is a bamboo plant. What's not to love? They are incredibly easy to take care of, are super cheap, are said to be good luck, and they brighten the room. And get this-- they grow better if you talk to them. So I talk to mine everyday (I know now you really think I'm nuts) and tell it I love it and that I hope it grows. Therefore I am forced for a certain amount of time each day to have positive, loving things coming out of my mouth. Plus, I feel great for caring for and nurturing something, even if it is so small.

5. Stand in the Longest Line in the Grocery Store 

I know, I know, it just keeps getting crazier. This little tip I picked up from my beautiful Swami yoga teacher who radiates love out of every one of her pores, so I know it must have a little merit. She was giving us tips how to practice yoga off the mat and told us to take the opportunities that life gives you to practice things like kindness and patience. A perfect example of this is purposefully choosing the longest line at the grocery store. It automatically gives you time to slow down, to practice patience, to chant mantras if you have some, or to just reflect on the day. It seems insane, but it has potential to really make a difference.

6. Learn One New Thing

One amazing thing about the time we live in is our sheer access to information. Google is pretty much my best friend, especially with my tendency to want to know random facts like what in the heck babywearing is or what I can use as an egg alternative. And so, I suggest making a conscious effort to learn something new everyday. Learning is growing, and making yourself better, which in turn makes the world better. Of course, you don't have to get it from Google, you can read a book, or go to a class, etc. but, we definitely don't have any excuses for not taking 2 minutes to learn something new and this 2 minutes gives you the opportunity to feel accomplished. 

7. Say Hello

This might seem like such common sense to a lot of people, but we all know we have seen or have been the people who see you walking their way and get all awkward and look at the ground, or their phone, or anything not to have to look you in the eye and just simply say, "Hello." We are social animals and we receive happiness from interacting with others.  Smiling at strangers and saying hello or how are you to them, and actually meaning it, is one of the easiest ways to add some light to your day and make you feel good. Plus, if you actually strike up a conversation you'll often find that person has something very interesting to teach you. Some of my most profound realizations about life have been sparked by a 3 minute conversation I've had with a stranger.

8. Change the Song

Once again I am not an advocate of extremism when it comes to making life changes. So, I don't necessarily think it is a great idea to delete all of your music and completely quit watching TV and movies, etc. That being said, I do think that the media and things that we surround ourselves with constantly are really affecting us, even if we like to think that they aren't. My suggestion? Slowly remove media with negative content. If you notice a certain song makes you super depressed, or a certain TV show has a lot of violence... just watch or listen to less of it...change the song, change the channel. This is all a personal decision, but in my life I've noticed a huge change by just filtering out some of the stuff I used to watch and listen to.

9. Hang up a Quote

On the flip side of slowly getting rid of the negative there is slowly letting in the positive. Does this mean you have to transform your whole house into a spa complete with a Zen sand garden and Buddha statue? No. But, hanging up some positive quotes, especially ones that make you inspired or really feel something, could be a great first step. It could help to put one right above your bed, or where you can see it when you wake up to start and end the day with something positive.

10. Be Thankful (For Food!)

It's obvious that not everyone is interested in doing something like 'praying'. But, no matter what your beliefs or opinions something that can be universally accepted is being thankful. Since it's a little hard to just start being thankful for everything right off the bat, I think starting with the food we eat every day is a great step. Take a cue from your Thanksgiving dinner and spread the love to the other 364 days of the year. Take a moment or two, before you eat, to close your eyes, or however you feel comfortable, and just be thankful that you have food, remembering that way too huge a portion of the human population does not. What a wonderful wonderful way to realize how much we have and to add positive into the day at least 3 times.

I wish you all love and light and as much positivity as you can possibly muster. :)


  1. Wednesday in Krakow I chose the longer of two lines. While I waited I breathed. When I reached the counter to buy my ticket I was calm, and the ticket lady and I had a brief, appreciative connection. The line was to see one of Leonardo Da Vinci's few oil paintings, the Lady with Ermine. I'll send you its postcard.

    1. At times it feels like you are maybe the only person that actually reads this. Thank you for commenting and making me feel encouraged. Keep spreading positive :)
