"Yoga is far from simply being physical exercises. It is an aid to establishing a new perception of what is real, what is necessary, and how to become established in a way of life which embraces both inner and outer realities. This way of life is an experience which cannot be understood intellectually and will only become living knowledge through practice and experience." - Swami Satayanada Saraswati (left)
"After all, you can spend twenty minutes criticizing each other, watching television, and gossiping, so why can't you spend twenty minutes in a constructive involvement which helps uplift the mind and emotions?" - Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati (right)
My health and happiness I owe to yoga (more specifically, for me, Satyananda yoga). Although yoga is not just physical exercises it is the physical that is familiar to most people and therefore a good place to start on the yogic path. I thought I would put together a list, created from the advice of the Gurus of Bihar School of Yoga and personal experience, of essential yoga poses for daily life. These asanas (physical poses) are great because although they might seem basic, they are doable for everyone and have a profound effect. As an added bonus a lot of these poses can be done in the office, in traffic, waiting for gas to pump or any other time through out the day when one has a minute or two.
**DISCLAIMER**: It is much preferred to learn yoga from a qualified yoga teacher in person. Most of these yoga poses are easy enough that you should be able to do them with awareness but it is essential that you do not strain yourself, and stop if something hurts. Please listen to your body and help yoga help, and not hurt, you.
These yoga poses and suggestions are all from these two wonderful books (which i highly recommend):
For Everyone/Beginners
Satyananda yoga posits that most everyone has gross energy blockages that impede their physical health. Doing yoga asanas that work your joints, with intense awareness, is the best way to help your energy flow freely again. These poses might seem 'easy' but I can assure you that they are way more important than being able to do a headstand, or any other 'hard' yoga pose. I still do them every single day.
These poses are also beneficial because they can be done quickly every morning, or almost anytime through out the day when one is waiting, sitting, at the office, etc.
For all yoga asanas make sure that you only breathe through your nose and focus your whole awareness on the specific part of your body that you are stretching/moving. If you feel comfortable closing your eyes this can be a very nice way to intensify your awareness.
1. Base Position (Prarambhik Sthiti)
Sit with your legs outstretched, feet close but not touching.
Place the palms of the hands on the floor to the sides, just behind the buttocks.
The back, neck and head should be comfortably straight.
2. Toes and Ankles (Padanguli Naman & Goolf Naman)
Start by sitting in the base position (above). First do your toes by moving the toes of both feet slowly forward and backward. Repeat 10 times.
Next bend your foot at the the ankle forward and backward, keeping your awareness in the ankle joint. Repeat 10 times.
3. Knees (Janu Naman)
Stay in base position. Bend your right knee, bringing
thigh near the chest and clasp hands under right thigh.
Straighten right leg.
Keep leg 10 cm off the ground.
Practice 10 rounds with right leg and 10 rounds with the left.
Breathing: Inhale while straightening legs. Exhale while bending.
4. Hips (Ardha Titali)
Still in base position bring your right ankle up unto your left thigh. While breathing in move your right knee toward your chest, while breathing out push it toward the floor. Slowly practice 10 up and down movements and then switch to the left leg.
5. Fingers (Mushtika Bandhana)
Next, while still sitting in base position, extend both arms straight out in front of you. Extend the fingers on both hands while inhaling, and close the fingers into a fist while exhaling. Practice 10 rounds.
6. Wrists (Manibandha Naman)
Keep fingers straight and palm open and bend hands backward from the wrist while inhaling, then bend the hand forward from the wrist while exhaling.
Repeat 10 times.
7. Elbows (Kehuni Naman)
With open hands and palms facing up bend the arms at the elbow and touch the fingers to the shoulders while exhaling. Inhale while straightening both arms out. Repeat 10 times.
8. Shoulders (Skandha Chakra)
Place fingers on shoulders. Rotate both elbows at the same time in a large circle. Try to touch the elbows in front of the chest on the forward movement and touch the ears while moving up. Stretch the arms back in the backward movement and touch the sides of the trunk while coming down. Practice 10 times clockwise and then 10 times counter-clockwise.
While these asanas aren't exactly hard, I still, again, really recommend that you perform asanas with care and only when your body is ready. This especially applies to the final recommended inverted asana Sarvangasana (shoulder stand).
Swami Niranjana recommends this group of asanas in his book Yoga in Daily Life. These should be done daily before eating breakfast, but if you are not able to do that just try to fit them into your day at some point.
1. Tadasana (palm tree pose)
Stand with feet together or 10 cm apart. Steady the body and equally distribute weight on both feet. Raise the arms over the head. Inhale and stretch arms upward. Raise the heels, coming up on to the toes. Hold the breathe and position for a few seconds. Lower the heels while breathing out and bring the hands to the top of the head. Repeat 10 rounds.
2. Tiryaka Tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)
Stand with feet more than shoulder width apart. Interlock the fingers and turn the palms outward. Raise the arms over the head. Bend to the right side from the waist while exhaling. Do not bend forward or backward. Inhale while coming up. Repeat on left side. This completes one round. Repeat 10 rounds.
3. Kati Chakrasana (waist rotating pose)
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and the arms by the sides. Raise arms to shoulder level, then twist the body to the right.
Bright the left hand to the right shoulder and wrap the right arm around the back, bringing the right hand around the left side of the waist. Look over the right shoulder as far as is comfortable.
Return to starting position.
Repeat on other side to complete one round.
Practice 5 to 10 rounds.
4. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)
In Satyananda yoga sun salutations have 12 different positions performed in a rhythmic flowing sequence, reflecting the rhythms of the universe; the twenty-four hours of the day, the twelve zodiac phases of the year and the biorhythms of the body. Different forms of yoga practice different versions of sun salutations and I think that any form of sun salutations would be hard to learn from a book or website. For this reason I suggest learning from a qualified teacher, or practicing a version you already know.
5. Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
Sarvangasana should also be learned in the presence of a qualified yoga teacher, or by those who feel experienced with yoga. Lie on your back on a folded blanket. Check that the head and spine are aligned and that the legs are straight with the feet together. Place the hands beside the body with the palms facing down. Relax the entire body and mind. Contract the abdominal muscles and, with the support of the arms, slowly raise the legs to the vertical position, keeping them straight. When the legs are vertical, press the arms and hands down on the floor. Slowly and smoothly roll the buttocks and spine off the floor, raising the trunk to a vertical position. Turn the palms of the hands upward, bend the elbows and place the hands behind the rib cage, slightly away from the spine, to support the back. In the final position, the legs are vertical, together and in a straight line with the trunk. Close the eyes. Relax the whole body in the final pose for as long as is comfortable.
Finally, Swami Niranjana recommends at least one pranayama for everyone. Pranayama is generally defined as breathe control. It helps to influence the flow of prana (energy) in the body and can provide a balancing or energizing effect. The one pranayama Swami Niranjana recommends in Yoga for Daily Life is:
6. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Hold the fingers of the right hand in front of the face. Rest the index and middle fingers gently on the eyebrow center. Both fingers should be relaxed.The thumb is above the right nostril and the ring finger above the left. These two digits control the flow of breath in the nostrils by alternately pressing on one nostril, blocking the flow of breath, and then the other. The little finger is comfortably folded. When practicing for long periods, the elbow may be supported in the palm of the left hand, although care is needed to prevent chest restriction.
Sit in any comfortable meditation posture. Keep the head and spine upright. Relax the whole body and close the eyes. Put your hand into the above described position. Close the right nostril, breathing through the left. Close the left, exhale through the right. Close the right, in hale through the left. Close the left, exhale through the right. This is one round, practice 5 to 10 rounds.
I thought I would throw in one of my favorite yoga asanas: Vayu Nishkasana (wind-releasing pose). I find that it stretches out my hips, back and legs nicely for meditation and helps strengthen as well as stretch.
Hopefully these suggestions on essential yoga poses can add a little to your practice, or help you start if you've always wanted to. Doing a few simple yoga asanas daily can have a huge effect on the body and mind; the best part being that it is not even necessary to set aside a huge chunk of the day to be able to fit them in. I will repeat for a final time that I strongly suggest also learning yoga from a qualified teacher (sometimes it takes quite a few tries to find one that you really love) and listening to your body 100 percent when performing any type of physical movement. As always I would love to start a conversation with you over email or answer any questions. I wish you all love, light and the pure joy that yoga brings.
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